In the beginning of this product development, I searched for top sellers of our competitors. Once we decided on the style of the bag, I read customer reviews of similar bags online and on Amazon. After hearing the customers' voice, I brainstormed on ways to improvise and give what customers wanted.
Using Photoshop I created six digital mockups, then had a focus group session with our Instagram fans. Their input was most valuable. After many adjustments, we narrowed down to key designs and variations - this is one of them. This bag was then manufactured overseas by a company I found through Alibaba.
It gave me a great satisfaction to put the secret keys to happiness I researched over 20 years into a book "Rich in Happiness, 7 Steps to Living Happily for the Rest of Your Life". I both wrote and illustrated this book which is available on > Amazon
This a parody of the blockbuster movie Jurassic Park. Story, image, and color were picked for children, dinosaur and Jurassic Park fans.
The print design as well as the style of this backpack is targeted toward high school and college age. Black makes up about 60% of all fashion colors. To limit SKUs, we focused our design to work with a black background.
To make the bag unique and appealing, seven different fabrics and materials were experimented with, then used in prints.
"Less is More" is a key principle in design. There are times for many details and information, but I typically like a simple and clean look - I think most people do as well.
To limit the number of SKUs, we narrowed our product color selections to just three; black is the best seller among them. Another reason for limiting product color choices is because our brand character Pip Puppy is white, and works well with black.